This Valentines Day was so great. Me and Sam swapped gifts the night before and he drew me as the wisp maiden of the marimo forest riding on one of my humble axolotl steeds and he got me stickers of my logo so I can look all professional and fancy. I decoupaged a penguin for him with all our favourite things and best JenSam moments and got him a fuzzy armadilly friend. For the big day we went to Leicester and I managed to get a bunch of stuff to stock up my Etsy and then I managed to persuade him to queue up for half an hour to see the Richard III exhibition. He doesn't care for kings in car parks but I do. We also checked out the car park where he was found which has already been recemented and we went into the cathedral and lit some candles for the old boy and had a peek at his memorial plaque. The inside scoop from the cathedral guide worker man is that Leicester definitely have the rights to keep Richard here which is pretty cool for Leicester as Richard is all we have but I think it kind of sucks for Richard himself as a) Leicester have already had him for 500 years and they didn't look after him very well, building a car park over him and all b) He's from York so I bet he'd prefer to go back up there. The exhibition itself didn't tell me too much that I didn't already know and it was super tiny and chock a block with teens who were hoping to see a dead body, but instead got a glance at a plastic skull, but I'm glad I went and absorbed some Richard vibes.
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